2024 Wheeling Heritage Trail Bicycle Tour

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2024
100K Tour 7:30 a.m.
50K Tour 8:00 a.m.
15K Tour 9:00 a.m.
The Ohio Valley Trail Partners present the 16th tour of the Wheeling Heritage Trail on Sunday, May 26th at Heritage Port in Wheeling—1201 Water Street.
Registration will begin at 7 a.m. The tour will begin at 7:30am with the start of the 100km riders. Those riding 30 miles (50km) will begin at 8am. Road guards will be posted at critical intersections. The 10 mile (15km) ride begins at 9 am and heads South on the trail from Heritage Port.
The 100km (62 miles) ride will leave the trail for a hilly loop towards Bethany with a stop at Bethany College. It is a challenging ride with great SAG support.
Snack/water stops will keep riders hydrated: 3 on the 100km ride and 2 on the 30-mile ride. Every participant is required to wear a helmet. Entrants under 18 must be accompanied by a registered adult.
We ride rain or shine!
For further information/100km questions, call Quick Service Bicycle Shop at (740) 635-3700 or email tour@quickservicecycle.com.
The 2024 Wheeling Heritage Trail Tour is made possible by our generous sponsors and by thousands of volunteer hours by members of the Ohio Valley Trail Partners and residents of the Ohio Valley.
Money raised by this event supports expansion and care for the Wheeling Heritage Trail, trail projects, and trail equipment as well as continued advocacy for bike/ped connections in our communities.